find another

Rabu, 18 April 2012

It Could Have Been A Perfect World

Welcome back

it was January 29th,2012
You came..
To the world that you ever left before.

This door is always open for you.
No matter how was the pain hurt me.
Not just me exactly, also you..

Let's make a new begin honey,
A beautiful one.
Much better than before.

Don't say we would forget the past.
Let's make it as our good things which we could learn from.

Don't say we were wrong before.
Let's say it as our start while we're going to reach the finish.

Don't say that it wasn't love.
You know exactly, we will always loving each other.

Hey you.
Yes, you there.
The one that made me crazy about love.
The one that always here beside me.
The one that made my eyes closed for other people.
The one that I will swear to be with for the rest of my life.

We know that all the yesterdays were not easy for us,
All the problems that we have been through this far,
All the shits that came and came everyday,
And many things....................

But we also know that we can survive.

Almost a year-4 months,
We knew each other,
No. It's not just knowing you,baby.
But we understand each other.

I love you Gilang, this post belongs to you.
with love, Kartika.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

This Mask.

Hallo. I'm Cessy. I'm a teenager. I have a mask that I HAVE TO use it everyday:_)

Begini, berawal dari kisah yang berkisar setahun lalu. Semuanya begitu sempurna. Kedatangan seorang pangeran hati yang mencoba mengisi hari-hariku. Jujur, sebelumnya aku tak pernah merasakan hal yang terlalu dalam. Tetapi, semua berubah ketika dia datang.......

Aku belajar bagaimana memprioritaskan sesuatu

Aku belajar menghargai sesuatu yang aku punya

Aku belajar mengerti perasaan orang lain

Aku belajar menahan emosiku

Aku belajar mengalah

Dan kali ini,

Aku belajar untuk tidak egois

Aku belajar membohongi diriku sendiri

Thanks Ndra. Yes, he is Indra. Satu sekolah denganku. Dari awal mencoba untuk masuk ke hidup-ku, hingga sekarang mencoba lupakan aku.

Dulu, semua begitu indah. We've done some silly things. Getting crazy together. Many stories that we've told. Everything. And now, I lost it.

But time goes by, everything changed.

Aku sendiri enggak mengerti kenapa semua jadi berubah gini. Ya, mungkin salahku. Aku tidak bisa menghargai pangeran-ku itu. Menjaganya untuk tidak pergi. Menggenggam hatinya untuk tidak tersakiti.

Tapi, aku mencoba.
Aku tak tahu bagaimana caranya.
Aku BARU menemukan orang yang seharusnya aku jaga seperti ini.
Aku tak tahu harus bagaimana.

Ketika semua perasaan untuk mencoba menjaganya, dia pergi.
Aku tak tahu harus berbuat apa,
Yang ku rasakan saat itu hanyalah perasaan sakit.
Seakan semuanya TAK BERARTI APA-APA untuk-nya.

I love him. Yes I really do.
Karena aku mencintainya, aku melepaskannya.

Thanks for everything.
Thanks for "cried and laughed"

Dan sekarang,
Ya mulai sekarang,
Aku harus menutupi semua ini.
Tak ingin membuatnya sakit, karena merasa menyakiti ku.

Setiap hari-nya,
Aku mencoba menahan tangis,
Tangis telah membendung di dada, dan terasa terlalu sesak.
Hingga, suatu Jum'at aku menangis.
Tidak didepannya, tak akan lagi.
Semua seakan terkejut melihat tangisan ku yang tiba-tiba.
Seakan ketika musim panas, ada badai melanda disuatu hari, tanpa pertanda, tanpa alasan.

Setiap harinya,
Aku tertawa
Mencoba untuk menutupi garis bibirku yang akan membentuk lekukan sedih

Setiap harinya,
Aku merasa nyaman akan kedekatanku dengan calon-calon pangeran lain
Mencoba untuk membuat Indra merasa lega, aku dapat benar-benar melupakannya.

That's a mask.
Aku membohongi semua
Termasuk diriku.

Setiap terbangun dari tidurku, hanya dia yang selalu ada dibayangan.
Setiap tertidur hanya dia yang terakhir aku fikirkan.

Semua merasa sekarang aku baik-baik saja,
Dan itu semua yang aku harapkan.
Stop treating me like I need your helps.
I need him, not helps.
I can.
If he can leaving me, so I HAVE TO leave him too:_)

Dan setiap harinya, setiap melihatnya, aku selalu berkata dalam hati ini
"Hey Boy, sorry for everything I have made before. Thanks. I always here, if you need me. Eventough I know, you'll never need me like I do. Tuhan,tolong jaga dia"

Buat Indra,

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

The ending is goodbye

hey otak lagi numpuk, mumpung bisa diaspirasikan ke mesin cerita, jadi gue tulis disini
Ini cerita bisa cerita "a half true" or "TRUE".
Haafft biar rada "formal" bisa pake opening dulu kali yah. Singkatnya ini cerita tentang cewe remaja yang punya masalah yaaaa u know lah the biggest problem of teenagers..Yes! Love.
Ngomongin cinta emang no ending banget. Like waiting "happy ending story" never comes gituu.

Cewe ini Clara. Has super broken family. Beloved boyfriend. TRUE bestfriend. (un)TRUE friends. and more sucking things.
Hidupnya kayak hidup2 lo-lo pada..ya kadang seneng,kadang sedih,kadang NGEFLY sampe kelangit ke7,sering juga dihampas balik ke bumi sampe nembus inti bumi,nyampur sama magma yang super HHHHOT.
Clara cewe ababil yang skrg masih mempelajari setumpuk pelajaran ipa-ips diSMA, di episode yang mau gue ceritain ini lagi punya masalah nih sama cowo nya JOEVANSYAH a.k.a JOYE atau Joe. Ya mana ajalah yang lo asik sebutin. Tapi temen2 nya lebih suka manggil Joye. Nexttttt langsung ke konflik ya.
They (Clara&Joe) have a big problem in communication. Berbulan2 pacaran engga ngebuat mereka bisa "nyatu" dalam komunikasi otak dan hati. Joe punya masalah di kurang tanggung jawabnya,yang sampe skrg si Clara engga tega negurnya. Clara punya masalah di.......banyak. Yang ngebuat Joye capek negurnya. See? That's zzuper wrong. Clara ngambekan, ya biasalah cewe, Joye penyabar......but can't open his heart to see what's wrong in Clara. He doesn't know banget what Clara wants. He ALWAYS ASK HER what she really wants. (Loh jo! usaha dong buka hati mu gitu kaya lagu). So super paste kan cewe gaenak gitu ngomong apa yang dia mau, shy-shy-cat gitu, gengsi segala macem.

Waktu itu Joe pernah negur Clara yang suka nya chat chat mulu sama cewe maupun cowo. Secara engga langsung Joe minta Clara to stop it. Many times she tried. So hard she tries. But finally.....SHE DID. But the other side, tiba-tiba si Joye entah berantah kemana. Sifatnya pun sedikit berubah. Karena Clara anaknya baru nyadar kalo salah pas kena dampaknya, jadi dia as usual say sorry for many times to him. But, for this time, He doesn't give any respond.

WHAT'S WRONG. Kalimat itu muncul terus muter2 melingker2 diotak Clara. Ditambah lagi kalo galau2 begini si Clara suka sensitif. Yang biasanya emang Joye enggak bertanggung jawab, tiba-tiba ke tidak bertanggung jawabnya si Joye ini ngebuat Clara berfikir negatif taraf tinggi. Clara mikir Joye engga sayang lah, kurang dari mantannya lah, mau enaknya doang lah, kaget tiba2 dapet cowo yang begitulah dan lah lah yang lain.

Sebulan Clara dan Joe engga komunikasi dengan baik. Batin Clara semakin remuk. Berharap bisa beli mesin waktu untuk ngejaga-jaga biar batinnya bisa tetep baik. Mereka sama-sama tau, gimana susahnya mereka lewatin waktu-waktu yang hah use super power to through it ibaratnya..mereka sangat amat tau segala masalah yang mereka lewatin,sekecil apapun itu,usaha mereka berhasil untuk ngebuat semuanya "it's fine,honey" lagi. Yang teramat teringat adalah THEY KNOW HOW STRONG THEIR LOVE. HOW MANY EFFORTS THEY HAVE GIVEN.

But,for this time..Clara says "No. I think all this times..that I have been through it with already enough:')" "I have learn everything from many problems that came to us,Joe.. I love you so damn fuckin much. I think no word can describe my feeling for you except that words. But, Joe.. See for this time, I have been try, I know it's not bigger than your efforts for me." "Thanks for everything, thanks for every little thing you do, thanks for being my sunshine, my star, my moodbooster, my lovely joker, my bestfriend, my moodbreaker, my hurricane, my rainy tear drops, and more.. You are everything, but starting now I need to live in nothing. Sorry for everything and bye.." Clara cukup deras dengan air mata ketika mengatakan semua itu di telfon.
Joe hasn't say anything. But after 10 minutes in silence..

"Meet me now, then promise me to hug me at that time, cause I know on the next day, I will never feel my sweet blanket..I'm letting you go, because I'll do anything you want, cause I never know what you REALLY want before Clair.. and now, I know what you want. Love you" said Joe.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, ini lah ending nya. Sedih? pasti. Tapi apalah daya, kalo emang udah enggak cocok:) My friend told me that "Jangan paksain hal yang sebenernya engga perlu lo paksain". Dan kata pepatah yang super terkenal kalimatnya bahwa.."Kalo jodoh,enggak kemana"
Sampai skrg si Joye dan Clara masih tetap saling berhubungan,saling memberi support dan malah sikapnya semakin membaik satu sama lain. Jadi, apalah arti sebuah ikatan hubungan? Toh cinta engga bisa nipu sikap kita ke dia.

Thanks for reading!:D

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

The Edge Of Queen section 2

Hey all! by the way for this second section The Edge Of Queen would present something different. Not only me as a model but there are some new people. Here are..
"Rockie Minney with Her Rockie F

"Punkie Girl"

"Let Me Think On My Leopard Mind"

"Paparazzi shoot me in a call"

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

15th years old for my little friend


Sorry before. Gue lg gila jadi ya begini deh asal nyeplos aja yah. Anw tomorrow is my bestfuckinbitchfriend xixi:P gakdeeeeng!! intinya Rev
i Meiriana, gadis cantik yang dulu dipanggil Ayu yang dulu kelas 2 sd pake sepatu beda sebelah, yang dulu jorok banget, yang sampe skrg masih gila(keep crazy revv ampe mati!), yang suka nasehatin, yang segalanya deh..mau memijak kaki di berumur 15 tahuuuuunn!! "Aku ga berharap kamu lebih baik dr sblmnya Rev-Yu, krn km udh jd yg terbaik buat aku. tp aku harap kamu dapatkan hal2 yang terbaik drpd sblmnya"


Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Teenager. Fashion. Love Story. Twitter. Blog. Concerts. Event. Party. A lil'bad attitudes. Play. Games. FRIENDS. BEST FRIENDS. SOULMATE.

Knowing now we're teenagers. We are growing. We hv to learn MORE. also be MATURE.

Deny what they said. And just do what we want do.

That's cool, but bad.

First, be grateful for those who have parents that understand the state of youth.
They know how to treat us,perfectly. They don't forbid us. They just restrict our movement.

I wanna ask you. Do you want to be a kind of RIOT teen and have a bunch of times with your bestfies,DON'T YOU?
Yes. Of course.
Just ask to your parents to give you time for having fun with your friends. But, don't getting crazy with that chance. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. WHO MAKES YOU BEING HERE. WHO MAKES YOU STILL ALIVE.

Prefer choose my bestfriends,than getting random with him.
Now, for people who always random,called galauers. Just forget bad things that reminds you with a broken heart.
Call your friends. Go out. Tell it. Done.

Who else can make you forget the pain?
Who else can make you laugh all night?
Who else can persuade you to not do bad things?
Who else can learn you to do crazier things ever?
Who else will yelled at you to not crying?
Who else invite you to sing along?
Who else give you advices and quotes every day?

Realize that you've been knowing your friends longer and deeper than knowing your boyfriend.
I don't persuade you to choose your friends than your boyfriend. But be a balancer.
LOVE THEM. Not one of them.

ALL FUCKIN. but you're the exception.
Yeah. What else makes you will create"EXCEPTION OF LIFE"?
Absolutely, L-O-V-E. The popular thing of teenager life. The trending topics of heart.
LOVE are:
  • Abnormal
  • Bad
  • "Baby"
  • Crazy
  • Cry
  • Down
  • Endless
  • Funny
  • Fuckin
  • Gorgeous
  • Happy
  • Hell
  • Holding
  • "Honey"
  • Hurt
  • Invisible
  • Incredible
  • Joy
  • Kind
  • Leaving
  • Lie
  • Lost
  • Mad
  • Match
  • Negative
  • Own
  • Positive
  • Pretty
  • Riot
  • Real
  • Sweet
  • Top
  • Unpredictable
  • Yummy
  • Zip
Stop crying. Meet him. Tell him. Hug him. Don't ever leave him.