very long time no post all.i've got something to write about,yes..he's my boyfriend.
Gilang Reno Prakoso
"Sweet Brown Handsome Guy"
We met at 47 Senior High School (my school now), but actualy we knew each other when we have a trip to Old City in December last year.
Hmm.. I remember at the morning, I told my friends that I don't know who he is. I'm too shy to talk with him. But, guess what! We started to close. He drop me home after have a trip at Old City.

Wew till now, I just can't believe it.
I remember when he ask my cellphone's number>.<
That night.. That was in a way to my home, after "nobar" at Obby house.
Yes, absolutely I've got love attack there
IT'S DECEMBER 28th,2010
It was Gilang's 15th birthday in PondokIndahMall. I gave a picture that edited by and a little football cupcake from a bakery in PondokIndahMall. I don't know why my feeling so randomly when I was there. I feel mad,shy,happy,sad,UHHHH
Well,Obby and friends ask me to go home together by Fadhil's car. And I want to. And you know what? Gilang was there. He was in the car,with me,and other
s-_- He sat beside me hihihi.
After drop off Sachnaz,we continued to my house. But on the way got there....................
Gilang say that he loves me.
Well, I can't hide my feeling. I love him too.
Almost arrive my house, Gilang ask me to be his girlfriend.
I wanna answer that in New Year Eve..but Obby and
Fadhil told me to answer now if I can.
"I want to"
Marked: December 28th,2010
Gilang Reno Prakoso and Kartika Ratri Sarwono are in a relationship <3
Thanks for all my friends and also all Gilang's friends for your support in my relationship. Without you all..we can't till now. Almost 3 months.
Whoaa that's all. I just want to write my memories about my lovely story with my lovely guy. wish us longlasting till we die-_-huhuhu amin!